The Burlington Academy of Learning’s Nursery School Program is designed with the 3 to 4 year-old child in mind and heart.
The Academy’s Program:
With the newly revised Common Core Standards, and updated expectations for Early Childhood Education, we insure our 3 Year Old Nursery School Program provides the necessary literacy focus and foundation. We encourage language growth in a print rich classroom, providing meaningful opportunities to see how reading and writing are useful, allowing the development of pre-reading, early literacy skills. Children listen to, read and dictate stories; use charts; participate in experiences requiring informal and formal communication including large and small group discussions, experiment with writing by drawing, copying and forming letters. We have a strong focus on fine motor development and use the Handwriting Without Tears Program.
Our children spend time choosing among Discovery Centers such as Music, Art Creations, Science and Investigation, Reading, Writing, Drama, Sensory Play/Touch Table, and Math & Manipulatives, such as games, puzzles and blocks. During this time, our children develop his/her creativity and socialization skills. They also learn respect for others, sharing and cooperation, as well as problem solving skills such as conflict resolution and becoming confident in appropriately defending oneself with words. Children are taught responsibility through completing and cleaning up after an activity has been completed.
Each day begins with “Circle Time” to help create a sense of unity and encourage our connectedness together as a School Family. Children participate in daily calendar and discuss the themes and concepts of the day, week, or month. We also perform finger plays, sing songs, and play games. Other group activities include art, science experimentation, cooking, exercise, and story time with books and puppets. Our children also receive ongoing Spanish instruction. Children enjoy a daily music and movement activity, as well as a bi-weekly Music Enrichment class.
Teaching morals and values is a main focus at The Academy. A monthly character development theme is part of our curriculum as the children focus on one concept each month. Concepts such as patience, honesty, gratitude, generosity, positive attitude, love, caring, respect, tolerance, responsibility, fairness and determination are put into practice daily within our School Family.
In addition to the character development themes, The Academy teaches Second Step, a program for social and emotional development. Children are provided many opportunities to develop social skills such as courtesy, cooperating, helping, sharing, negotiating, compromise, respect for other’s rights and feelings and talking with others to solve interpersonal problems.
Children learn how to be environmentally mindful and respectful of our planet earth. We teach children what it means to be “green”, the concepts of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, and help them to implement these concepts within their daily lives to make the earth a better place. The children learn that the steps they take today have major repercussions on the health and well being of their future and the future of the earth.
Yoga is introduced and practiced by the children. Children derive enormous benefits from yoga. Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, balance, and body awareness. In addition, their sense of calmness and relaxation improves increasing concentration and focus, thus improving learning. Yoga also encourages self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that is noncompetitive. Children will jump at the chance to assume the role of animals, trees, flowers, and warriors. Yoga postures stimulate children’s imaginations and improve their physical and neurological skills.
Outside playtimes allows our children to develop large motor coordination on age appropriate outdoor equipment and are given the option of joining organized outdoor games. Outdoor playtime is a part of every morning and afternoon class, including in the winter as long as temperatures are above 20 degrees.
All Nursery School activities are planned to give children a balance of independent time – when a child can have the opportunity for expression of his/her individuality and learn resourcefulness, and group time – when a child can experience greater self-control, a cooperative spirit, a positive sense of belonging, and develop positive feelings about school.
Gallery updated 3/28/21