Montessori Academy Program

Welcome to our Montessori Program!

We’re so very excited to continue our 

 Montessori Junior Kindergarten / Kindergarten Program


This class will be taught by our amazing Señora Analía!


Señora Analía’s Montessori Academy Class will be a complete Spanish immersion experience!  Student's will receive all the benefits of a traditional Early Childhood Experience, with the added benefit of becoming fluent in Spanish!  Language immersion has been shown to be the most effective way to achieve fluency in a second language.  


Early childhood is the ideal time to start exposure to a second language!  Children adapt easily to the second language because their brains are in the early stages of their language development.  


There are many cognitive benefits for children who learn a second language.  Many bilingual children demonstrate increased analytical, social, and academic skills in math, science, and creativity, and increased memory retention!  Studies show that bilingual individuals are better multi taskers and possess stronger attention skills.  Bilingual children also displace a higher level of brain activity in the regions associated with executive functions.  Best of all, once you’ve learned one foreign language, it’s easier to learn others!


Learning a foreign language, or two, opens up so many doors!  Before we know it, our children will be college students studying abroad and embarking on careers in a global economy.  Until then, they can sharpen their minds, enhance their memory and critical thinking skills, and have a phenomenal early learning experience with Señora Analia!  


Register NOW to reserve your child’s spot!  

This special program will have its own special price,

and we will be accepting full time, full week, students only!


We’re so happy to be offering this very extraordinary opportunity to our students, and are looking forward to an awesome school year!

Program Classrooms Photo Gallery

Gallery Updated 4/13/21

Amazing Memories from Past Years

Schedule a tour

with us!

We invite you to meet our exceptional teachers and see our wonderful school!



Located in Burlington, CT

Preschool Academy

4 Covey Rd, Burlington CT 06013


Kindergarten Academy

6 Covey Rd, Burlington CT 06013


Junior Academy

10 Covey Rd, Burlington CT 06013



School Calendar 2024/2025
BAL Calendar 2024-2025 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [186.8 KB]

Illness Preventative Measures

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